Week 41: 54 local titles closed down because of the crisis

Romania is the 5th most important spammer in the world; 54 local print titles have closed down because of the crisis, and Vîntu will sue three politicians for their statements. România liberă is to start a weekly free supplement, and the Romanian Cultural Institute opens an advertising exhibition.

According to Panda Security, Romania is on the 5th position in a top of the spam-sending countries. Mediafax said Romania went up three places from the 8th position.

Financiarul counted 54 local print media titles swept away by the crisis. According to the newspaper, the advertising spendings of some national clients in such local publications will raise to 5-6 million euros in 2010.

Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, the owner of Realitatea-Cațavencu, said he would sue three democrat politicians, says Ciutacu.ro. Vîntu will ask for damage between 250,000 and 1 million euros from Emil Boc, Elena Udrea and Sorin Voinescu, for having said he took part in a coup d’etat attempt and he stole the money from the FNI, a huge financial scandal Vîntu was in the middle of at the end of the nineties. The ‘mogul’ was recently emprisoned due to his involvment in a file connected to the FNI.

Medien Holding is to launch a free weekly supplement of the România liberă newspaper, called ‘Săptămâna RL’, said HotNews.ro. The supplement has eight pages and a print run of 30,000 copies.

On Tuesday, 12 Octomber, an exhibition related to the first 10 years of advertising in the post-communist Romania will open at the Romanian Cultural Institute (Bucharest, Aleea Alexandru, 38). IAA.ro says the exhibition, curated by Ucu Bodiceanu and Ancuța Lăcrimioara Chiș, will be open until 20 October, between 10.00 AM and 8.00 PM. The entrance is free.

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