Week 39: Dacia and PRO TV, the most visible Romanian brands

Fewer readers go to the print editions of newspapers and magazines for information. Starting October, the Romanian Audit Bureau of Circulations, or BRAT, is to monitor the video and audio traffic via Internet websites. The most visible Romanian brand in the media is the Dacia car-maker, while the strongest Romanian brand is Borsec mineral-water bottling plant.

The overall Romanian print market is on a constant decline, with only six titles going up, according to the National Audience/Readership Study performed by BRAT between July 2009 and July 2010, Mediafax reports. BBC Top Gear is up 12.6%, and thus tops the publications on the rise. The steepest decline in readership is recorded by Evenimentul zilei daily, down 12%, according to Dailybusiness.ro, a title recently acquired by the Păunescu brothers from Ringier Romania. Three tabloids lead the Romanian dailies market – Click, Libertatea and Can-Can -, followed by the sports daily Gazeta Sporturilor and serious newspapers such as Jurnalul național and România liberă.

BRAT will expand starting October its monitoring profile, implementing SATI, a system of gathering detailed information on the traffic, audience and profile of visitors on the Romanian websites, BRAT said in a press-release. According to Hotnews.ro, the main indicators monitored by BRAT will comprise the number of hits and individual clients, the number of full views of one streaming, the average time for one viewing, the total time of viewing.

The Dacia car-maker and the PRO TV television stations are the two local brands getting the most exposure in the media, according to a MediaIQ analysis, quoted by Gandul. The strongest brand, however, is the mineral-water bottling plant at Borsec. However, Borsec comes only 18 in terms of its media exposure.

Press review provided by KMP Translations

One thought on “Week 39: Dacia and PRO TV, the most visible Romanian brands”

  1. Mintea umana ne rezerva mereu surprize. De exemplu: legaturile ciudate. Sa auzi undeva cuvintul “lapte“ si sa te gandesti aiurea, de exemplu la “femei cu piept dezvoltat“.
    Fara nici o legatura cu subiectul abordat aici, intreb si eu ca prostu`, ca nu stiu de ce mi-a troznit asta printre neuroni: cine a zis vorba aia (citez aproximativ) “nu conteaza cine si ce voteaza, conteaza cine numara voturile“ ???

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