Tag Archives: mediu

Internetul nu e mediu de comunicare, ci teava

Irwin Gotlieb, Global CEO of WPP’s Group M, in AdAge: “We used to think that the Internet was a medium. It´s not, it´s a pipe. The media part is the compelling content that attracts an audience and that could be TV that is either digitally or IP delivered or it could be print delivered to a reading tablet. There are all sorts of scenarios and if you fast forward far enough, it doesn´t much matter what you´re watching, I´m going to serve you something that I want you to see.”

Pe romaneste: “Obisnuiam sa vedem Internetul ca un mediu de comunicare. Nu e asa ceva, e o teava”. Un canal de transmisie pe care prolifereaza o multime de tipuri de media. Semioticul “canal” e inlocuit de argoticul “teava” in discutiile de felul asta, dar sensurile proprii ale cuvintelor sunt foarte apropiate 🙂