Tag Archives: Caricaturile profetului

Notita: Glucksmann despre caricaturile Profetului

De ce putem rade de Mohammed si nu de Auschwitz? Fiindca primul este expresia credintei, iar celalalt e un nume pentru niste fapte istorice. Gandirea totalitara = credinta = o consecinta a ideii ca nu exista fapte, ci numai interpretari (Kant, de pilda). Faptele = empirism = gandire libera. Pe prima serie e profetul, ca si Iisus, pe a doua, Auschwitz-ul.

“Our planet is not in the grips of a clash of civilisations or cultures. It is the battleground of a decisive struggle between two ways of thinking. There are those who declare that there are no facts, but only interpretations – so many acts of faith. These either tend toward fanaticism (“I am the truth”) or they fall into nihilism (“nothing is true, nothing is false”). Opposing them are those who advocate free discussion with a view to distinguishing between true and false, those for whom political and scientific matters – or simple judgement – can be settled on the basis of worldly facts, independently of arbitrary pre-established opinions.”


Mai ramane de stabilit daca imparteala fapte-interpretare e un fapt sau o… interpretare.